Plenary Sessions
Moderator: Joohee Lee (Ewha Womans University)
Chair: Seung-Ho Baek (Catholic University of Korea)
- Jurgen De Wispelaere (University of Freiburg), “Basic Income Trials: The Problem of Assuring (continued) Political Commitment” 📄PPT_PDF
- Namhoon Kang (Basic Society), “Carbon Neutrality and Basic Income” 📄PPT_PDF
- Louise Haagh (University of York), “Justice and Feasibility of Basic Income in Times of Crisis” 📹 pre-recorded
Chair: Du-Gab Go (Mokpo National University)
- Guy Standing (SOAS), “Building a Commons Capital Fund: Common Dividends as Basic Income”
- Jeonghee Seo (Kunsan National University), “Refraction and Hierarchy of Basic Income in the Real World” 📄PPT_PDF
Chair: Jong-sung You (Gachon University)
- Hye-in Yong (MP, Basic Income Party Korea), “Challenges and Tasks in the Politics of Basic Income in South Korea” 📄PDF
- Michael Tubbs (79th Mayor of Stockton, CA), “Guaranteed Income Movement and Politics in Municipality: In the Context of Civil Rights and Anti-Poverty Movements”
- Scott Santens (Humanity Forward), “Sowing Seeds of Security: How Basic Income Is Taking Root in the U.S. through Local Pilots and Programs” 📄PDF
- Aida Martinez Tinaut (Catalonia Government), “The Catalan Pilot Project Design: As Challenging as Today’s Context” 📄PPT_PDF 📄PDF
- Eduardo Matarazzo Suplicy (Former Senator of Brazil), “The Steps towards the Implementation of the Universal Basic Income in Brazil” 📄PDF
Chair: Ji-Eun Lee (Chung-Ang University)
- Jorge Pinto (University of Minho), “Finitude and Future: Human Life, Basic Income and the Ecological Crisis” 📄PPT_PDF
- Min Geum (Institute for Political and Economic Alternatives), “Artificial Intelligence of Capital and Challenge of Basic Income” 📄PPT_PDF
- Almaz Zelleke (NYU Shanghai), “Basic Income and the Crises of Care” 📄PPT_PDF 📄script_PDF
Chair: Almaz Zelleke (NYU Shanghai)
- Jisoo Lee (Kunsan National University), “Implementation and Significance of Child Basic Income in Pandong Elementary School” 📄PPT_PDF
- Jeonghee Seo (Kunsan National University), “Significance of Youth Basic Income Experiment in Busan, Korea”
- Woongdu Park (Peasant’s Basic Income Movement Headquarters), “Implementation of Peasant’s Basic Income in Korea” 📄PPT_PDF
- Junho Oh (Basic Income Party Korea), “Political Challenges of Basic Income Movement in Korea” 📄(Kor) PPT_PDF 📄(Eng) PPT_PDF
Moderator: Roberto Merrill (Minho University)
- Panelists: Guy Standing (SOAS), Sarath Davala (BIEN/ INBI), Soomi Lee (University of La Verne), Gunmin Yi (Seoul National University) 📄Yi-Answers to Questions_PDF
Chair: Karl Widerquist (Georgetown University — Qatar)
- Annie Miller (UK Citizen’s Basic Income Trust), “The Case for a Revision of the Definition of BI Today” 📄PPT_PDF
- Toru Yamamori (Doshisha University) “History of the Discussion on the Definition of BI” 📄PDF 📹pre-recorded
Moderator: Juon Kim (BIYN)
- Review. Sarath Davala (BIEN/ NIBI)
- Closing Address. Hyosang Ahn (BIKN), “How to Realize Basic Income in Reality?”
Concurrent Sessions A
Chair: Hey-in Yong (MP, Basic Income Party Korea)
Chair: Kyo-seong Kim (Chung-Ang University)
- Milena Kowalska (Wrocław University of Economics and Business), “Factors Influencing Citizens’ Support for Unconditional Basic Income” 📄PPT_PDF
- Alexander Imig (Chukyo University, Japan), “Framing Money: Using Luhmannomics for Descriptions in Societies” 📄PPT_PDF 📄PDF
- Télémaque Masson-Récipon (Ehess and MFRB), “Why and How Clarifying Basic Income’s Definition Is Necessary to Form the Coalitions Needed for Its Implementation” 📄PPT_PDF
- Tijs Laenen (Tilburg University, the Netherlands and KU Leuven, Belgium), “The Popularity of Basic Income: Evidence from the Polls” 📄PPT_PDF 📄PDF
Chair: Hilde Latour (BIEN)
- Sam Whiting (University of South Australia and the Australian Basic Income Lab), “Funding the Arts: Sustaining Cultural Labour in the 21st Century” 📄PDF
- Kristiina Hyryläinen, “A Good Conscience — My Curriculum Vitae” 📄PDF 📹 pre-recorded
- Hwakyun Mok (Basic Income Expedition), “Are Artists Able to Return Their Basic Income Back to the Community If They Rreceive It?” 📄PPT_PDF
Moderator: Sophia Seung-yoon Lee (Chung-Ang University)
- Authors: Jong-sung You (Gachon University), Nam Hoon Kang (Hanshin University) and Seungju Lee (Daegu University)
📄PPT 1_PDF 📄PPT 2_PDF 📄Draft_PDF 📄PDF - Discussants: Jurgen De Wispelaere (University of Freiburg), Troy Henderson (University of Sydney), Soomi Lee (University of La Verne), Annie Miller (UK Citizen’s Basic Income Trust), Guy Standing (SOAS), Philippe van Parijs (Université catholique de Louvain), Karl Widerquist (Georgetown University-Qatar), Almaz Zelleke (NYU Shanghai)
Concurrent Sessions B
Chair: Sophia Seung-yoon Lee (Chung-Ang University)
- Matteo Pignocchi (University of Macerata), “Far Right and Basic Income in Italy”
- Etienne Bertet (MFRB), “Reviewing UBI Experiments Worldwide: A Synthesis Attempt” 📄PDF
- Reinhard Huss (UBI Lab Leeds, UBI Lab Network, BIEN, UBIE), “How Should UBI Be Framed, Financed and Delivered to Make It a Convincing Tool for a Just Transition to a Green Society?” 📄PPT_PDF 📄PDF
- Khai Phung (Basic Income March Berlin 2019-2022), “Universal Basic Income as a Litmus Test between Progressives and Conservatives: A System-Theoretical Perspective”
Chair: Jorge Pinto (Minho University)
- Stella Gmekpebi Gabuljah (Bangor University) and Hefin Gwilym (Bangor University), “The Role of Basic Income in a Just Transition to Overcome Climate Crisis”
- Nicholas Langridge (University of Bath), “A Post-growth Unconditional Basic Income: Bridging the Gap Between Radical Visions and the Empirical Evidence”
Chair: Soomi Lee (University of La Verne)
- Denis Consigny (AICU — Association Intergénérations pour le Capital Universel), “Are Capital Endowments Essential Complements to Basic Income?” 📄PPT_PDF
- Filippo Grisolia (University of Antwerp), Sara Dewachter (University of Antwerp) and Nathalie Holvoet (University of Antwerp), “Permanently Exiting Poverty All Together? Evaluating the Sustainability of the Collective-level Impacts of a Basic Income Experiment in Rural Uganda” 📄PPT_PDF
- Otto Lehto (New York University), “Should Basic Income Recipients Have the Right to Experiment with Human Enhancement Technologies (HETs)?” 📄PPT_PDF
- Joern Hendrichs (UBI Fund), “Establishing a Capital Financed UBI Fund to Fight Poverty” 📄PPT_PDF 📄PDF
Chair: Injung Han (Catholic University of Korea)
- Young Sin Jeong (Catholic University of Korea), “Basic Income from the Perspective of the Commons” 📄PPT_PDF
- Hyosang Ahn (BIKN), “The Commons from the Perspective of Basic Income” 📄PPT_PDF
- Panelists: Yea Yl Yoon (Jeju National University), Suh-Hyun Park (Jeju National University), Jeonghee Seo (Kunsan National University)
Concurrent Sessions C
Chair: Enrico Nichelatti (University of Helsinki)
- Luiz Gustavo da Cunha de Souza (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis-SC, Brazil), “Which Inequalities Does Universal Basic Income Challenge? Approaches from the Theory of Recognition”
- Shanaya Fischer (Basic Income Canada Youth Network), “Breaking Cycles of Intergenerational Trauma and Poverty: The Potential Impact of Basic Income in Canada’s Child Welfare System”
- Fernando Freitas (Fluminense Federal University), Paul Katz (Jain Family Institute) and Jéssica Maldonado (Fluminense Federal University), “Who Deserves the Most? Stigma and Consolidation as a Right of the Citizen’s Basic Income in Maricá”
- Leah Hamilton (Appalachian State University), “Understanding the Long-term Impact of Basic Income: Insights from the HudsonUP Pilot”
Chair: Liz Fouksman (King’s College London)
- Luiz Anelli Junior (RBRB), “Slavery in Brazil. One Point of View about UBI”
- Maria Ozanira da Silva e Silva (Universidade Federal do Maranhão), “The New ‘Bolsa Família’ in the Contemporaneity of Cash Transfer Programs in Brazil” 📄PDF
- Gloria Sanchez-Cuevas (Carleton University), “Unraveling the Politics of Basic Income: Divergent Values and Pathways to Implementation”
Concurrent Sessions D
Chair: Sung-Ho Choi (Chungbuk Research Institute)
- Yoon-Myung Kim (Kyung Hee University), “Fair Use of Dataset and Right to Claim Compensation” 📄PPT_PDF
- Joohee Lee (Ewha Womans University), “Young Platform Worker’s Attitude towards Basic Income and its Influence Factor” 📄PPT_PDF
- Gi Hoon Choi (Gyeonggi Research Institute), “The Need for Basic Income: Taking the Next Step Through Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation” 📄PPT_PDF
Chair: Vibhor Mathur (University of Bath)
- Karl Widerquist (Georgetown University-Qatar), “The Problem of Property” 📄PDF
- Robin Krabbe (Live Well Tasmania), “Transformation and Relationship Building via a Participation Income Trial in North-West Tasmania” 📄PPT_PDF
- Anupam Kumar (Christ University), “Empirical Work to Support a Long-run Universal Basic Income and Rationalizing Welfare Programs” 📄PPT_PDF
- Jong-sung You (Gachon University), Seungju Lee (Daegu University), “Universal EITC as a Participation Income: Financial Feasibility and Its Expected Effects in Korea” 📄PPT_PDF
Chair: Moonyoung Cho (Yonsei University)
- Minseo Cho (University of Wisconsin-Madison), “Translation of ‘Common Dividend Basic Income’ in South Korean Welfare Politics — Focusing on the Trajectory of BIKN”
- Jiabin Ye (Sun Yat-sen University), “Basic income in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Capitalism”
- Seung Cheol Lee (Seoul National University), “Beyond ‘Floor without a Ceiling’: The Rise and Challenges of ‘Commons Basic Income’” 📄PDF
Concurrent Sessions E
Chair: Dongchul Yu (Dong-Eui University)
- Jae Sub Lee (Jeju National University), “Expanding Basic Income Theory with Commons” 📄PPT_PDF
- Giup Nam (Institute of Land And Liberty), “Limit of Real Estate Property Tax in the Korean Context and Land Dividend as Alternative” 📄PDF
- Jinsu Lee (Institute of Land And Liberty), “Degree of Concentration of Land Ownership in South Korea and Effect of Land Dividend (Land Basic Income) at Alleviating Inequality” 📄PPT_PDF
Chair: Almaz Zelleke (New York University Shanghai)
- Clem Davies (University of Freiburg), Maria Franchi (University of Bath) and Chloe Halpenny (Queen’s University), “From Theory to Practice: Embedding Feminist Principles in UBI Implementation” 📄PPT_PDF
- Chloe Halpenny (Queen’s University), “We Need to Take Care of Each Other, and That’s What This Program Was Helping to Do: Disabled Women’s Experiences in the Ontario Basic Income Pilot” 📄PPT_PDF 📄PDF
- Olga Lenczewska (University of North Carolina, Wilmington), “Unconditional Cash Transfers and Women’s Choices: Assessing New Empirical Data”
- Leticia Morales (Universidad Austral de Chile), “Gender-Gender Tradeoffs in Basic Income Regimes” 📄PPT_PDF
Chair: Guy Standing (SOAS)
- Troy Henderson (University of Sydney & The Australian Basic Income Lab), “The Macroeconomics of Basic Income — The Missing Link or a Fool’s Errand?”
- Julio Linares (Public Outreach for Basic Income Earth Network), “Towards a Municipalist Basic Income” 📄PPT_PDF
- Luciano Carment (University of Sydney), “Would a Basic Income Cause Inflation?” 📄PPT_PDF
Concurrent Sessions F
Moderator: Bo Sun Ryoo (Kunsan National University)
- Panelists: Han-Byul Kim, Seo Young Roh, Hyun cheol Moon, Tae-Sung Seo, Won-Ho Shin, Jihye Shin, Jihye Yang, Jin-Seo YoonKim, Soon-Young Hong, Bup-Ryang Hwang
Chair: Gunmin Yi (Seoul National University)
- Benjamin Earle (Basic Income Canada Network and Feed the Need in Durham), “The Reality of Basic Income as a Response to Food Insecurity in Canada” 📄PPT_PDF
- Vibhor Mathur (University of Bath), “Exploring the Impacts of an Unconditional Basic Income on (Un)Freedom, (In)Dignity and (In)Decent Work in Urban India”
- Chloe Halpenny (Queen’s University), Elaine Power (Queen’s University), “A Seat at the (Dinner) Table: Food, Eating, and the Ontario Basic Income Pilot” 📄PPT_PDF
Chair: Tyler Prochazka (National Chengchi University)
- Bruno Oliveira (CIES-Iscte — Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology), “Basic income in Europe Factors that Lead to the Emergence of Social Innovations”
- Peter Brake (Universal Entitlement), “Taxing the Rich to Afford a UBI”
- Isobel Frye, “How Policy Compromises Are Shaped: The Study of the South African Targeted Social Relief of Distress Grant” 📄PPT_PDF
- Peter Knight (Basic Income Earth Network), “How Basic Income Disappeared from the Forward Party’s Core Principles and How to Get It Back”
Concurrent Sessions G
Chair: Roberto Merrill (UMinho — CEPS)
- Catarina Neves (UMinho — CEPS), “What We Still Need to Know about UBI: The Financing Question and the Long-term Impacts of Unconditional Cash” 📄PPT_PDF
- Carla Costa (ISCSP, Lisbon University), Pedro Goulart (ISCSP, Centro de Administração e Políticas Públicas), “UBI Experiences: A Comparative Analysis and the Importance of Context”
- Thiago Souza (UMinho — CEPS), “The Unconditional Basic Income Proposal as a Promoter of Ecological and Socioeconomic Justice”
Chair: Reinhard Huss (UBI Lab Leeds, UBI Lab Network, BIEN, UBIE)
- Marek Hrubec (Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences), “Basic income against Unequal Approach to Ownership” 📄PPT_PDF 📄PDF
- Jasmina Jerant (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), “Basic Income and Social Well-Being of Young Adults” 📄PPT_PDF
- Otto Lehto (New York University), “Ordoliberalism and Basic Income: Lessons from History and Future Prospects”
Chair: Toru Yamamori (Doshisha University)
- José Rocha (JusGov, Minho University), “Banks, Loans, Credit Cards and Other Natural Predators of UBI: Concerns for Lawmakers” 📄PDF
- Harry McLaverty (Transcendence), “Global Tax After the Socioeconomic Transition”
- Romain Tord (The Sink Tank), “Why and How Basic Income Must Be Financed by Monetary Creation” 📄PPT_PDF
Chair: Leah Hamilton (Appalachian State University)
- Liz Fouksman (King’s College London), “‘Nothing Is For Free’: Moral Perspectives on Work and Basic Income among Eastern European Migrant Workers in Post-furlough London”
- Franziska Gassmann (UNU-MERIT/Maastricht University), “The Relevance of Framing and Design Parameters for the Acceptability of a Basic Income Grant: The Case of South Africa”
- Enrico Nichelatti (University of Helsinki), “How to Implement a Perfect Basic Income Experiment? Evidence from Four Countries”
- Shawn Christopher Vigil (Univerzita Karlova), “Basic Income and the Concept of the Good Life” 📄PPT_PDF
Concurrent Sessions H
Moderators: Manuel Franzmann (Kiel University) and Hanna Ketterer (Jena University)
- Panelists: Victoria Boelman (Former Director of Research at The Young Foundation), Minseo Cho (University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Ravi Gokani (Lakehead University)
* This roundtable creates a space for reflection on the strengths and limitations of qualitative reconstructive approaches to the study of basic income
Chair: Diana Bashur (BIEN)
- Verena Löffler (University of Münster), “Basic Income and Homelessness: Improving the Situation of Those Who are Worst-off?” 📄PPT_PDF
- Konrad Rydel (University of Warsaw), Marek Kaczmarczyk (University of Warsaw), “Universal Basic Income and the Principle of Equality” 📄PPT_PDF
- Alex Ureche (Children Aid and Development), “To UBI or not [to] UBI?: Universal Basic Income Creating Value in Rural Romania” 📄PPT_PDF
Chair: Matteo Pignocchi (University of Macerata)
- Karen Jooste (RightfulShare An Income Movement), “Moving the Basic Income Movement Beyond Pilots” 📄PPT_PDF
- Enrico Nichelatti (University of Helsinki), “The Role of Universal Basic Income in Mitigating Crisis Shocks in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Uganda and Zambia” 📄PPT_PDF
- Franziska Leopold (FRIBIS), “Barriers to Political UBI Participation in German-speaking Countries” 📄PPT_PDF
Concurrent Sessions I
Chair: Joohee Lee (Ewha Womans University)
- Young Seong Yoo (Gyeonggi Research Institute), “2022 Policy Effects of Youth Basic Income in Gyeonggi Province: Application of DID and PSM” 📄PPT_PDF
- Sang-Jun Lee (Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training), “Reciprocity of Basic Income from the Perspective of Gift Theory and Sacrifice Ritual” 📄PPT_PDF 📄PDF
- Sung-Ho Choi (Chungbuk Research Institute), “Case Study of Profit Sharing in Participatory Renewable Energy Development for Adaptation for Climate Crisis in Korea: Dividend, Investment Share or Public Resource?” 📄PPT_PDF 📄PDF
Chair: Jurgen De Wispelaere (University of Freiburg)
- Jeeeun Jang (Tampere University), “The Dynamic Role of Basic Income on the Bargaining Power of the Precariat” 📄PPT_PDF
- Soomi Lee (University of La Verne), “Tracking Public Interest and Sentiment towards Basic Income: Using Google and Twitter Data in the U.S.” 📄PPT_PDF
- Tyler Prochazka (National Chengchi University), “Localizing Novel Basic Income Policies: Applying Asia Pacific UBI Policies to a Domestic Context”
- Vyacheslav Bobkov (Institute of economics Russian Academy of Sciences, IE RAS), Elena Odintsovа (Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Plekhanov Russian University of Economics) and Sergey Zolotov (Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod), “Universal basic income: Is it a Chance for Russia?” 📄PPT_PDF
Chair: Sarath Davala (BIEN/ INBI)
- Chih wei Wu (UBI Taiwan), “Advocating for Change: How UBI Taiwan Unites Diverse Stakeholders for Unconditional Basic Income” 📄PPT_PDF
- Yun Yang (UBI Taiwan), “Social Media as a Democratic Politics: The Political Communication on Facebook about UBI-like Policies in Taiwan”
- Admassu Askabe Abera (Tibeb Ethiopia SC), “All Ethiopians, Africans and Humans Are Investors”
- Karl Widerquist (Georgetown University-Qatar), “Basic Income: Essential Knowledge” 📄PDF
Concurrent Sessions J
Chair: Hakyoung Baek (Kangwon National University)
- Min-Soo Kim, “Has the Perception of Basic Income Changed After Covid-19 Outbreak?” 📄PDF
- Sung-Hoon Kim (Ewha Womans University), “Popular Reception of Basic Income” 📄PPT_PDF
- Seungho Baek (Catholic University of Korea), Jeonghee Seo (Kunsan National University), Jiseon Kim (Catholic University of Korea) and Chiho Song (Catholic University of Korea), “Exploring the Political Feasibility of Basic Income: The Case of the Gyeonggi-do Deliberative Public Poll” 📄PPT_PDF
Chair: Julio Linares (BIEN)
- Won-Don Kang (Hanshin University), “Basic Income Idea with Ecological Orientation” 📄PDF
- Ji-Eun Lee (Chung-Ang University) and Injung Han (Catholic University of Korea), “The Implications of Advocating for Basic Income and Common Wealth Dividends in the Context of Ecological Transformation: Focusing on the Perceptions and Experiences of Young Eco-activists in South Korea” 📄PPT_PDF
- Junho Oh (Basic Income Policy Institute), “Green Industrial Transition and Citizen’s Dividend: A Better Cycle of Innovation and Distribution” 📄PPT_PDF
- Hyosang Ahn (BIKN), “Climate Justice and Basic Income in an Era of Anthropocene” 📄PPT_PDF
Chair: Giup Nam (Institute of Land And Liberty)
- Sun-Young Ahn (Work-Life Balance Lab), Young-Ju Kim (Work-Life Balance Lab), Juon Kim (BIYN), Kyung-Joo, Park (Institute of Social Science, Sungkonghoe University) and Eunjee Jang (Work-Life Balance LAB), “Study on Life Condition of Youth at Rural Area — Focusing on the Experience of Rural Basic Income in Chung-San Myeon, Gyeonggi Province” 📄PPT_PDF
- Kyong Cheol Park (Chungnam Insititute), “Background, Current Situation, and Future Tasks of Agrarian Basic Income Policies of Local Governments in Korea” 📄PPT_PDF
- Hyeongjoong Yoon (LAB2050), “Design and Findings of Analysis on the Effects of Rural Basic Income in Chung-San Myeon, Gyeonggi Province”
Concurrent Sessions K
Moderator: Bo Sun Ryoo (Literary critic, Kunsan National University)
- Hae-ja Kim (Poet), “Enjoy your meal, He who does not work — Basic Income for All”
- Moon-jae Lee (Poet, Kyung Hee University), “Golden Rule and ‘House of Gift’”
- Siun Hwang (Novelist), “The Welfare that Can Care Mind” 📄PDF
- Myong-ho Lee (Literary critic, Kyung Hee University), “Basic Income, Elementary Foundation that Bring up Human Being”
- Hyoung Cheol Shin (Literary critic, Seoul National University), “Kim Soo-Young and Basic Income”
Chair: Minseo Cho (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Aida Martinez Tinaut (Catalonia Government), “The Design and Methodology of the Pilot Project Itself” 📄PPT_PDF
- Kie Hyun Shin (Basic Income Jeonbuk Network), “Is a Sustainable Basic Income Possible? -Comparative Analysis of Sustainability of 3 Pilots Related to Rural Areas in Korea” 📄PPT_PDF
- Jurgen De Wispelaere (University of Freiburg), Leticia Morales (Universidad Austral de Chile) and Fabio Waltenberg (Universidade Federal Fluminense), “Having One’s Cake and Eat It? Emergency Basic Income and Universal Basic Income as Pandemic Social Protection Instruments” 📄PPT_PDF
Moderator: Soomi Lee (University of La Verne)
- Authors: Jong-sung You (Gachon University), Nam Hoon Kang (Hanshin University), and Seungju Lee (Daegu University)
📄PPT 1_PDF 📄PPT 2_PDF 📄Draft_PDF 📄PDF - Discussants: Troy Henderson (University of Sydney), Annie Miller (UK Citizen’s Basic Income Trust), Guy Standing (SOAS), Karl Widerquist (Georgetown University-Qatar), Roberto Merrill (University of Minho)
Moderator: Guy Standing (SOAS)
- Panelists: Sarath Davala (BIEN/INBI), Maria Franchi (University of Bath), Vibhor Mathur (University of Bath)
* In this roundtable, the team from the WorkFREE pilot in Hyderabad India will share midline findings from one of the larger UBI pilots around the world. It will explore the logistics, politics, methods and effects of bringing Basic Income to Reality.