In August 23-26, 2023, the 22nd BIEN congress takes place in Seoul (+ online), Korea. Academics, researchers and activists around the world will meet there and discuss a wide range of the latest issues on basic income. We could have findings in the Congress that implementing an unconditional basic income helps us to transform from the extremely inequal and anti-ecological societies into more equal and sustainable ones.
Your contribution will help to make sure that this congress can be organized in a way that meets its significance and international standards. Donations will be used exclusively for financing the congress. In case of an overplus we will inform you about its usage.
You can pay via PayPal even without creating a PayPal customer account. For your sponsorship, please let us ( know your email address and sponsorship amount.
Thank you in advance for your support.
The Organizing Committee of the 22nd BIEN Congress

"Thank you for supporting the 22nd Basic Income Earth Network Congress"
BIKN Daegu
BIKN Daejeon
BIKN Busan
BIKN Incheon
BIKN Jeonnam
BIKN Jeonbuk
BIKN Chungbuk
Ji Yeong MUN
Bosun RYOO
Seung-ho BAEK
Jeonghee SEO
Hyosang AHN
Gunmin YI
Kwangja Cho
Dongsun Shin
Junghee RYU (Media Demos)