The Basic Income Earth Network Congress (BIEN Congress) is held every year as a congress to share the academic, social and cultural achievements of basic income supporters around the world and to strengthen friendship. (The BIEN Congresses were held every two years until the 16th BIEN Congress in 2016, and has been held every year since 2016.) Recently held BIEN Congresses are as follows:
● The 21st BIEN Congress in 2022 held in Brisbane, Australia (Theme: Crisis and Transformation)
● The 20th BIEN Congress 2021 held in Glasgow, Scotland (Theme: From idea to reality)
● The 19th BIEN Congress 2019 held in Hyderabad, India (Theme: Basic Income as Freedom and Development)
● The 18th BIEN Congress 2018 held in Tampere, Finland (Theme: Basic Income and New Universalism: Rethinking the Welfare State in the 21st Century)
● The 17th BIEN Congress in 2017 held in Lisbon, Portugal (Theme: Implementing a Basic Income)
● The 16th BIEN Congress in 2016 held in Seoul, Korea (Theme: Social and Ecological Transformation and Basic Income)
● The 15th BIEN Congress in 2014 held in Montreal, Canada (Theme: Re-Democratizing the Economy)

ECC, Ewha Womans University, Seoul
on-line Zoom Events “22nd BIEN Congress (22차 기본소득지구네트워크 대회)”
Keynote Speakers
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Korean, English
Congress Format
Online-Offline Hybrid