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About BIEN

Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN)

The founding meeting of BIEN in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 1986. (사진: https://basicincome.org/)

Founded in 1986, the Basic Income European Network (BIEN) was established to serve as a link between all individuals and groups interested in Basic Income (that is, a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement) and to foster informed discussion on this topic throughout the world. In 2006, BIEN became the Basic Income Earth Network. The Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) was founded in 1986 as the Basic Income European Network and expanded its scope from European to the Earth in 2004.

Members of BIEN include academics, students and social policy practitioners as well as people actively engaged in political, social and religious organisations. They vary in terms of disciplinary backgrounds, political affiliations, age, and nationality.

The mission of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) is to offer education to the wider public about alternative arguments about, proposals for, and problems concerning, basic income as idea, institution, and public policy practice. To this end, BIEN organises public conferences around the world on an annual basis, promotes research, serves as a research repository, and publishes news, research, and opinion articles. BIEN is associated with an academic journal, Basic Income Studies. The theme of the 22nd BIEN Congress 2023 is Basic Income in Reality.

BIEN is also affiliated with forty networks throughout the world including 34 national networks and 2 regional networks:

● ARGENTINA: Red Argentina de Ingreso Ciudadano
● AUSTRALIA: Basic Income Guarantee Australia (BIGA)
● AUSTRIA: Netzwerk Grundeinkommen und sozialer Zusammenhalt – B.I.E.N. Austria
● BANGLADESH: Bangladesh Basic Income Network (BBIN)
● BELGIUM: Belgian Network for Basic Income
● BRAZIL: Rede Brasileira de Renda Básica de Cidadania
● CANADA: Basic Income Canada Network / Réseau canadien pour le revenu garanti
● CANADA: Quebec – Revenue de base Quebec (RBQ)
● CHILE: Red Chilena de Ingreso Básico.
● EUROPE: Unconditional Basic Income Europe (UBI-Europe)
● FINLAND: BIEN Finland – Suomen perustuloverkosto
● FRANCE: Mouvement Français pour un revenu de base
● GERMANY: Netzwerk Grundeinkommen
● HUNGARY: Első Magyar Feltétel Nélküli Alapjövedelemért Egyesület / The First Hungarian Unconditional Basic Income Association
● INDIA: India Network for Basic Income (INBI)
● INDONESIA: Indonesian Basic Income Guarantee Network (IndoBIG)
● IRELAND: Basic Income Ireland
● ITALY: Bin Italia (Basic Income Network Italy)
● MALAWI: Basic Income Malawi Group
● MEXICO: Red Mexicana Ingreso Ciudadano Universal
● NETHERLANDS: Vereniging Basisinkomen
● NEW ZEALAND: Basic Income New Zealand Incorporated (BINZ)
● NORWAY: Borgerlønn BIEN Norge
● PORTUGAL: Rendimento Básico
● RUSSIA: Basic Income Russia Tomorrow
● SCOTLAND: Citizen’s Basic Income Network Scotland (SCIO)
● SLOVENIA: Sekcija za promocijo UTD v Sloveniji
● SOUTHERN AFRICA: Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute (SPII)
● KOREA: Basic Income Korean Network (BIKN)
● SPAIN: Red Renta Basica
● TAIWAN: UBI Taiwan
● UNITED KINGDOM: Citizen’s Basic Income Trust
● UNITED STATES: U.S. Basic Income Guarantee Network (USBIG)

22nd BIEN Congress

Organized by

Basic Income Korean Network (BIKN)


22nd BIEN Congress LOC, Basic Income Policy Laboratory, The Institute for Democracy, National Assembly’s Basic Income Research Forum, Ewha Institute for Social Sciences

22nd BIEN Congress LOC

Basic Income Korean Network (BIKN), Basic Society, Basic Income Young Researchers Network, Basic Income Youth Network (BIYN), Millennials Political Forum, Institute for Basic Income Studies (IBIS), Institute for Inclusive Society, Institute for Political & Economic Alternatives, Institute of Land And Liberty, LAB2050, Modest Free-Persons, Peasant’s Basic Income Movement Headquarters, Media Demos